Online Counseling

Based on 2500 years of Buddhist science 

“a friendly, accepting, non-judgmental approach to support life’s difficult challenges”


My name is Frank Navratil.  I am a naturopathic doctor, mindfulness-based cognitive therapist and meditation practitioner with over 25 years of experience consulting patients using natural methods that improve their physical, mental and spiritual health.   

I have developed a revolutionary mind training technique that combines the best of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, scientifically backed meditation techniques along with the infinite wisdom of Buddhist psychology. 

My method is based on 2500 years of Buddhist science, a practical self-healing journey, designed to get you back on the middle of the road, no matter how far you have veered off,  back where you can once again regain control and look to the future with peace, joy and meaningful purpose. 

I call it Middle Way Mind Training. 

Middle Way Mind Training includes

Initial online consultation designed to get to know you, understand what you are going through and together we will develop a individually tailored plan that you can easily follow 

Weekly prescribed exercises including special guided mindfulness and meditation techniques that you practice daily at home 

Weekly online person to person, confidential video consultations where you can feel free to openly share your experiences, progress and/or difficulties in a friendly, non-judgmental and peaceful environment

Most programs include a total of consultations, once every weekwhich can be extended if needed or required 

Specific Middle Way Mind Training Programs for Stress, Anxiety, Motivation, Depression, Loneliness, Chronic Pain,  Relationship problems, Addictions, Sleep Problems, Anger, Forgiveness, Self-esteem, Eating Disorders and many others 

Individual single consultations can be arranged as well

My sincere wish is to guide you, so that you can learn to transform any problem you are facing, as you move forward towards a happy, peaceful and meaningful life free of unnecessary suffering  

Benefits of Online Consultations

Face to face

Face to face Video calls are used for consultations so we can see and talk with each other


No matter where you are in the world, whether you are at home, on a business trip, or on vacation, we can talk

Little Waiting Time

I can usually schedule an appointment for the next week and then set a regular time for your weekly sessions


I can easily send you your guided meditations online as well as any other prescribed home exercises

Professional Approach

I understand it is not easy to open up to someone online. I will treat your situation professionally with a caring and non-judgmental approach and confidentiality is assured

Proven Methods

Middle Way Mind Training includes modern and ancient scientifically proven methods including Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, meditation techniques and Buddhist psychology that have shown time and time again to lead to long-term improvements and lasting effects


Thank you, Frank for your patience and your calm guidance. The methods I have learned through my 8 weeks of MWMT have helped me to get through the trauma I experienced in childhood and I am now more prepared to face the future.  I feel much more in balance and happy than I ever did before. 

Nancy G.

Before I began my consultations I felt totally out of control, often suffering severe anxiety and panic attacks.  Middle Way Mind Training has really helped me to understand the cause of my problems and now I have effective ways to deal with them.  Thanks Frank.


Dear Dr. Frank, initially I was really nervous about doing online consultations, but your accepting and non-judgmental manner really put me at ease and gave me the confidence to deal with my low self-esteem issues.  I feel much happier now. I know I still need to work at it, but I am continuing with the guided meditation exercises and they really work. Thank you for being there when I really needed help.

Mary C.

Thank you very much Frank for your support. Middle Way Mind Training has been an incredible journey for me in understanding what has been missing in my life and why I feel the way I feel.  Now I have the training to face the future with hope and greater joy and happiness.  

John H.

When I first started, I was a mess, my life was full of stress, I was a workaholic and I was starting to suffer health problems because of it. Middle Way Mind Training helped me to find balance again, to feel more control while at the same time helping me to manage my anger and my temper. I like myself a lot more now and so does my family. I had to do a lot of work on myself but the results were worth it. I really appreciate your help. Thank you, Frank. 


Dear Frank, since losing my husband a few years ago, I was unable to really function in life.  I was not able to sleep, work or live a normal life. Your online consultations and mind exercises really returned the balance back in my life, I have learned acceptance even though the pain of my grieving process that emerged was often really difficult at times but worth it. I feel like a large burden has been taken off of me and now I actually see a future again, even though full of uncertainty but now I have learned to find joy in every moment and I am not afraid anymore. Thanks again.

Susan R.

Please Note:  Names of clients in these testimonials have been changed for privacy reasons.  We respect and assure professional confidentiality for all our clients. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Middle Way Mind Training or MWMT is a holistic healing program, developed by Frank Navratil that incorporates meditation and mindfulness techniques based on Buddhist science along with personal individualized consultations and guided practical exercises 

MWMT is in no way a religious method.  It is based on Buddhist science, probably the most detailed understanding on how the human mind works.  It is therefore open to anyone, regardless of religious affiliation or belief.  Its main intention is to reduce unnecessary suffering. 

MWMT can greatly assist stress and anxiety and improve happiness. It has been shown to assist and provide relief for many problems. 

MWMT benefits include greater control of the mind, increased happiness, reduced stress and anxiety, reduction of worry, better control of emotions and better sleep, as well as many more benefits. 

MWMT can be tailored to most conditions, there is no condition where you would not benefit. 

Take the first step and send me your email address today. I will get in touch with you usually within 24- 48 hours

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Book Appointment

Select Package*
MWMT Single Consultation -
MWMT 8 Consultations Program -
Naturopathic Nutritional Consultation -
Naturopathic General Health Consultation -
Select Date

Please Note: Consultation Times are in CET (Central European Time). Use the online widget to calculate a suitable time for your time zone. If you are not sure, just contact us, and we will assist you in finding a suitable time for the consultation.
To use the online Meeting Time widget:
1. Click on 24 hour format
2. Click on World Time Buddy to open their website
3. Write in your City/Country
4. Move your mouse over to a preferred time in your time zone that coincides with one of the available Central European (CET) consultation times
5. Go back to our site and click on your chosen (CET) consultation time

Time Converter
Your Information
Your Name*
Your Email*
Your Country*
Your Address*

Informed Consent Form(Please read and then check the box)

I specifically authorize Middle Way Mind Training to develop and conduct consultation services with me which will include online consultations, various meditation and mindfulness practices and written exercises. For Nutritional and General Health Consultations, it will include online consultations that will analyze and discuss recommendations on how to improve natural health through diet, lifestyle, nutritional supplements, herbs and dietary advice. I understand that consultations, podcasts, and programs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease including conditions of cancer, Aids, infections, or other medical or psychological conditions and that these are not being tested for or treated.
I understand that no guarantee or assurance of any specific result is given or implied.
I understand that consultations, products, and programs do not replace conventional medical or psychiatric care and that regular medical or psychological examinations for the early detections of physical or mental disease are important.
I understand that Middle Way Mind Training has informed me and recommended me to consult with my medical doctor or therapist if necessary before I engage in the consultations.
Our consultation programs are designed to help you establish a healthier and happier lifestyle. For the Mind Training Consultations, recommendations may include specific meditation and mindfulness exercises, written exercises and other forms of training, including home practice. For the Nutritional and Health Consultations, recommendations may include nutritional supplements, herbs, food selection, exercise, and lifestyle advice. Results depend on the earnest implementation of these recommendations.
When engaging in meditation and mindfulness practices taught through Middle Way Mind Training, while generally very safe, in rare cases there may be unexpected reactions as suppressed emotions may surface and may cause temporary mental discomfort or unease. When taken at recommended dosages nutritional or herbal supplements are generally recognized as safe. Occasionally one may experience temporary digestive upset or a temporary allergic reaction. Because you have not been physically examined, the practitioner has less information, for that reason you are encouraged to have periodic medical checkups especially if you have persistent symptoms, recurrent symptoms or if you do not seem to be responding to the recommended nutritional program. We do not sell nutritional or herbal supplements at Middle Way Mind Training.
Middle Way Mind Training consultations are not covered by any insurance plan.
All fees for our services are due prior to your consultation and are displayed on our web site. This is to keep you informed of charges before they are incurred and to provide faster service.
We require a 48hr or more notice of cancellation or rescheduling your single consultation. If you notify us less than 48 hours, you will be charged and will not be refunded. If you have purchased our 8 session consultation package, and need to reschedule a consultation, you must do so 48hrs or more in advance. If you notify us less than 48 hours in advance, you will be charged and will not be refunded for that consultation.